This past Tuesday, Nov 15, National Philanthropy Day, CAAP was very proud to participate in a Chronicle of Philanthropy discussion highlighting how organizations can target their fundraising towards Arab American donors. It was an honor for CAAP to connect with a national audience directly to answer questions about Arab American philanthropy.
Participants in the discussion included CAAP Advisory Board member Wadad Abed, as well as Jeanette Mansour, adviser to CAAP and program consultant at the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. More than 65 people, including representatives from ISPU and the Headwaters Group, tuned in to the live discussion to ask questions, post comments, and learn more about Arab American philanthropy from our experts.
Some of the questions raised included inquiries about giving patterns, culturally sensitive cause marketing, religious distinctions, the presence of family/community foundations and cultural traditions. To read the discussion transcript, click here.