Arab American scientists extend health education mission to Jerusalem
The National Arab American Medical Association (NAAMA) is the most inclusive organization of Arab American physicians, healthcare providers and students in the country. NAAMA’s objectives encompass a wide range of professional, cultural, charitable, humanitarian and especially educational activities – which include enhancing the medical knowledge of its members and contributing to the medical profession at large. The NAAMA Jerusalem Lecture Endowment Fund at the Center for Arab American Philanthropy (CAAP) will facilitate the creation of a medical lectureship, hosted annually in the Holy City of Jerusalem.
Staking our claim in Jerusalem’s future
NAAMA established this endowed fund at CAAP to attract support for an annual lecture series dedicated to Jerusalem, and the central role it plays in NAAMA’s mission, vision, and values. The fundraising goal for this initiative is $100,000, which will ensure than an annual event occurs each year in perpetuity. Contributions to this fund will cover associated costs, including honoraria, travel, and lodging. The theme, location and speakers for this lectureship, which will launch in 2019, will be selected by a steering committee comprised of scientists, which will report to NAAMA’s Education Committee.
By giving to the NAAMA Jerusalem Lecture Endowment Fund, you will provide a show of solidarity for our brothers and sisters in Jerusalem, and help to continue medical education and research through this innovative lectureship in the beautiful heart of Palestine.
GIVE TO THIS FUNDThanks so much for helping to build bridges, strengthen ties and stake our claim in Jerusalem’s future – we truly appreciate your support!