Nelson Mandela once said that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
In this spirit, the Education Without Barriers Fund was created to help talented children overcome the barriers and challenges of war and occupation in the Middle East through higher education by funding scholarships.
Through this initiative, we hope to restore dignity, eliminate obstacles to education and dismantle barriers to success.
Education is the key
Education is the key to changing lives. Many children in the Middle East have significant barriers in their lives but pursuing higher education should not have to be one of them. Education Without Barriers gives talented children the opportunity to pursue higher education by providing financial support and mentorship.
Amidst the barriers, hardships, poverty, there are talented children whose futures could be transformed through the power of education.
Education Without Barriers is in honor of all people that believe in the power of education, that have giving hearts, and wish to help those in need by giving them something no one can ever take away from them: education.
Meet Shrouq, the first Education Without Barriers Palestinian Scholarship recipient.
Shrouq is Palestinian and was born and raised in Kalendiyah refugee camp in the West Bank. The Kalendiyah refugee camp is just .136 of a square mile and is the home for over 17,000 Palestinian refugees. The camp was created by UNRWA as a temporary facility in 1949 but has formed into an overcrowded ghetto for the underprivileged.
Despite these challenges, Shrouq scored exemplary on her Certificate of General Secondary Education Examination (Tawjihi) with a perfect score in the sciences. The Kalendiyah refugee camp is just 6 miles from Jerusalem but Shrouq is not permitted to attend university programs outside the West Bank. She is confined. Shrouq was admitted to the first established medical school in Palestine at Al-Quds University Abu Dis campus but cannot afford the tuition, which is approximately $4,000 per year. Thanks to the support of this scholarship, Shrouq will pursue her medical program to become a doctor.
Through this initiative, we will help change the lives of students like Shrouq. Help us further support higher education, help us restore dignity and help us change lives by donating now!
*Guided by the aspirations of those with giving hearts, we pursue this mission with compassion and transparency. While the initial focus is to fund Education Without Barrier’s first scholarship to support Shrouq’s entre medical school tuition (6 years), any donations received above the needed amount will be used to fund future scholarships for other talented children determined by merit, need and application. All donations are tax-deductible.