The Building Young Tech Entrepreneurs (BYTE) Fund at the Center for Arab American Philanthropy supports IT and technology education, innovation and entrepreneurship programs within the Palestinian Arab community in Israel. Growing entrepreneurship in any community is vital to economic development – and the BYTE Fund seeks to build bridges for the next generation of budding tech entrepreneurs.
The BYTE Fund supports Hasoub, a grassroots NGO fostering tech-entrepreneurship within the Arab community in Israel. The organization provides university students and early-stage entrepreneurs with the knowledge, skills, network and resources they need to pursue their dreams and build their startup enterprises. Hasoub operates on a chapter-based model, focusing primarily on university students by starting chapters on campus.
Since its inception in 2014, and with the help of over 150 volunteers, Hasoub has served 10,000+ participants through more than 250 activities and projects. As a grassroots organization, Hasoub has benefited extremely from volunteerism – and is now at a critical point where it is looking towards sustainability. Support from the BYTE Fund will enable Hasoub to institutionalize and attract talent to run its programs and services. We currently seek to raise $100,000 to sustain and amplify the impact of the organization. Your gift today will allow Hasoub to reach even more students – and the innovators of tomorrow.
Give now to support Arab tech entrepreneurs! Learn more about Hasoub’s recent accomplishments